52 Search Results for: twelve loaves

Twelve Loaves: Leek bread with red curry

Leek bread with red curry. Again and again, month after month, bread by bread, now it’s May. It’s time again of Twelve Loaves. I’m a common person without a peculiar attitude to risk. At least as far as we talk about daily life. As soon we speak of baking moments, I’m a couragous one. I’m ready to test new recipe and to use new ingredients in my kitchen immediatly. Red curry is new for me, I’ve just bought it at my favourite spice shop. Twelve Loaves for May is requesting to bake a bread with onions. It gives a lot of freedom: leeks, garlics, onions, spring onions are allowed. They come all from the same family. I started dreaming a garlic bread, then I took a look to my “old” leek. It was absolutely time to eat it. No waste is allowed in my kitchen. Leek and red curry: why not to try it? It’s a successfull combination with pasta (adding also yogurt), let’s try with bread. But…It wasn’t enough for me. I opened the …

Twelve Loaves: Bara Brith with candied orange

I didn’t know anything about Bara Brith till I’ve opened my beloved “English Bread and Yeast Cooking” at page 437. I wasn’t supposed to test that recipe by Elizabeth David till Twelve Loaves launched its April Theme: Oranges. Candied orange peels have been my “Open sesame” into fruit breads of Wales. Cake or bread, Bara Brith recipe comes from Wales. To be more precise from North of Wales were it’s called teisen dorth (meaning ‘cake loaf’). Being a traditional cake, many recipes exists. I started from Elizabeth David one’s. It was taken from A Welsh Welcome, published in 1969. Elizabeth reduced the sugar portion. I’ve tried to convert it to the sourdough version and added pain d’epice spices. Finally, I made half of the suggested ingredients quantities. I’m really satisfied with Bara Brith. It was a perfect companion for an afternoon tea during a sunny saturday. Bara Brith has all the richness of flavours of fruit bread. Candied orange peels give it an elegant touch. It remainded me of Xmas fruitcake baked some years ago. …

Twelve Loaves: Framboise muffins with strawberry jam

Framboise in English muffins? Twelve Loaves means for me just one thing: bread experiments! Per la versione italiana cliccare qui. Twelve Loaves is the monthly online event able to motive to think different, breadly different. March theme is Strawberries. Quite challenging finding them in Rome. So I opted for jam. Jam where in a bread? Thanks to God, we have United Kingdom. What best of muffins (or scones) with strawberry jam? And how to make even  more special muffins with yeast than adding a little bit of Framboise, that Belgian beer made with raspberries? For English muffin recipe I asked to Elizabeth David. In  her complete and marvellous work “English Bread and Yeast Cookery” she reported her most successful recipe. An English Muffins recipe dated back to 1973 and whose roots she found in Manna book written by Walter Banfield in 1937. As any modern blogger rich of caprices , I changed a little bit that excellent recipe. Just a little bit, I promise. Indeed, I felt the need to use my levain (or wild …

#Twelve Loaves: Pan brioche con datteri e cioccolato

For the English version click here. #Twelve Loaves è una grande scusa (pardon opportunità) per imparare sempre qualcosa di nuovo sul grande e meraviglioso mondo del pane. Con Twelve Loaves ho imparato a fare sia gli scones che il soda bread ed anche a dare nuova vita a ricette rodate negli anni. Per il mese di Febbraio 2014 il tema di Twelve Loaves è decisamente accattivante: il Cioccolato. Il cioccolato nel pane è molto invitante e persino banale da farsi. Basta mettere qualche pezzo di cioccolata, rigorosamente amara per me, nell’impasto ed il gioco è fatto. Ma così è troppo  🙂 Per complicarmi la vita ho allora aperto uno dei quei libri sulla cucina medio orientale di cui vado letteralmente pazza ultimamente. Non sapevo esattamente cosa stavo cercando. Cercavo e basta. Volevo quel guizzo di originalità che solo il cercare nel luogo apparentemente “sbagliato” può portare con sè. E quel qualcosa l’ho trovato in The Jewelled Kitchen di Bethany Kehdy. Vi era, infatti, la ricetta di una brioche armena chiamata tahinov hatz. Bethany la rivisitava …

#Twelve Loaves: Dates and chocolate brioche

Per la versione italiana clicca qui. #Twelve Loaves is a great opportunity to learn more about the amazing bread world. With Twelve Loaves I’ve learned how to do scones and soda bread as well as to give a new live to a well known bread recipe. For February 2014 the theme for Twelve Loaves is Chocolate. Chocolate in bread is so yummy and defenitely easy to implement. Put not so few pieces of dark chocolate into your bread and you have a chocolate bread. That’s too easy for me 🙂 So I opened one of my beloved books on Middle East food. I wasn’t sure what I wanted. Just (or not just) an original idea, I was asking to destiny not more than that. Bethany Kehdy in her The Jewelled Kitchen gave me a great hint: an Armenian brioche called tahinov hatz. Bethany proposed it with chocolate and tahini. Researching a little bit I found that the original recipe requests dates at least in the version called Mahlab or Chorak. From the Xmas period I …